Book review: “Poor Richard’s Almanack - The Wit and Wisdom of Benjamin Franklin”

An autobiography of Benjamin Franklin “Poor Richard’s Almanack: The Wit and Wisdom of Benjamin Franklin”. An original work of a self-maid man’s life journey from a poor boy into a top US businessman and a statesman, a signator of the US declaration of independence.

This work has in wisdom and insporation in the book. Specifically found practical and universaly timeless advise on day planning for optimal productivity.

But it also opens a question, left to our imagination - when did he find time (if at all :-) for helping at household, educating kids and sex with his wife.

The autobiography is freely availbale on YouTube as audiobook.

And if you prefer a physical hard copy of the book for your personal library collection - buy on Amazon: link

Book cover Autobiography Benjamin Franklin. Poor Richards Almanac. Portrait of Benjamin Franklin. Review by Prague Companions escort

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